Pakistani youth is depressed?

youth is the backbone of any nation but in Pakistan youth is depressed. the question arisis why?
The Nation of any country represnt its hope and strength.but unfortunatly in Pakistan youth is losing hope due to the diferent reasons. which includes Religious conflict (shia, suni, deo bandi etc), unemployement, energy crisis and no security of life which is human's most basic need. Political, economic, social ad physicoligical factors are also main factors ot this. Unemployemnt cause depression and due to this youth is taking part in negetive activites, like smoking, shesha and other alcholic drugs. The distribuation of eliate and low class also cause hypertension in youth. they want to eaarn mony to matter what ways are used and for this purpose they rob people.there is no channel where youth share there depressive thoughts.
           serious steps try to take for this problem, youth is 65% of our nation, we have to take steps other wise the building of whole nation suffer alot.


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